With extensive experience and a passion for the audio visual industry, Scott has become an exceptional problem-solver.
Working on the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid!), his audio visual systems are always user-friendly.
A Master Cabler, Scott is adept at finding the most aesthetically pleasing solution for homes, boardrooms or classrooms.
While Scott certainly enjoys making the most of what our beautiful region has to offer, on weekends you will often find him with a soldering iron in one hand & a multimeter in the other while hunched over a circuit board; building his latest custom amplifier.
His enthusiasm is infectious!

The admin guru of the team, Mandy runs things in the background; making sure that all installations run smoothly with stock on site and all hands on deck.
Not content to be office-bound and with years of experience in the AV & building industries, Mandy enjoys lending a hand on site.
Also a techno geek, her strengths are in on and off-site programming and system integration.
Mandy handles all the accounts, so if you have a query, please give her a call.